Pitambar Pant National Environment Fellowship Award

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Pitambar Pant National Environment Fellowship Award

The National Fellowships are given each year to one scientist/expert of Indian nationality in recognition of significant research and development contributions in the fields of environmental sciences and biodiversity. The duration of the fellowship is two years.

Invitation of Nominations for the National Fellowship Awards for Pitamber Pant National Environment Fellowship and Dr. B.P. Pal National Environment Fellowship Award for Biodiversity for 1HE Year 2015–16.

Applications Cire invited from Indian Nationals for the following fellowships:

  1. Pitamber Pant Notional Environment Fellowship Awards Environmental  Sciences for the year 2015-16.
  2.  B.P. Pot National Environment Fellowship Awards for Biodiversity for the year 2015-16.

These National Fellowships are given each year to one scientist/expert and are instituted in recognition of significant Research and Development contributions made by the Scientist/Expert and to encourage him/her to continue R&D pursuits in the area of environmentol sciences and biodiversity respectively.

Nominees should not be more then 60 years on the date of application or the last date fixed, for submission of application. Application for both the fellowships should be supported by at least two Fellows of the National Academy of Science/ Engineering /Agriculture.

The duration of the fellowship is for a period of two years. The details of the fellowship award, procedure and proforma for submitting research proposal as well as the terms and conditions are given in the guidelines (for Pitamber Pant Fellowship and B.P. Pal Fellowship) available on the website of the Ministry (www.envtor. nic.in).

The nominee should alto submit his/her application in the prescribed proforma for nomination (Annexure) given in the guidelines.

The nominees who have submitted his/her application for the year 2013 & 2014 need not apply again. However, they may like to furnish additional information, if any. Their nominations would be considered along with the nominations to be received for the year 2005.

The last date for receipt of the nominations is 30.10.2015. The applications complete in all respects should be sent by registered AD/Speed Post in 10 copies and one set of reprints and other documentary evidence of achievements in o confidential sealed cover addressed  to:

Scientist ‘G’ (Dr. T. CHANDNI)
RE Division 2nd Floor, Agni Wing,
Ministry of Environment. Forest and Climate Change,
Indira Paryvron Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road
New Delhi-l00003

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